This is the beginning, but it doesn't feel like it. We've come so far already, and we are only in the infantile stages of this process. For the sake of information, here's where we've come from and where we are going.
When Jason and I were first married, we knew we wanted a house full of children, we knew we wanted to wait a couple years before we started filling that house, and we knew we would eventually add to our family through adoption. Adoption was always on our radar, because everyone involved is given an opportunity to grow in understanding and empathy. We just wanted to be involved with people selfless enough to choose adoption. We knew there was a need, and we knew we could serve others by being adoptive parents. Serving others makes my world go round. I love giving, and I love, understand, and connect with children. It just fit.
Five months into our marriage, we received distinct revelation from our loving Heavenly Father that we were to start trying for our first child. Nine months later, he joined our family. Eight months after that, I could feel that something wasn't right with my body. Being a dancer, I had always been so in tune with my own rhythm and movement, and now it all just felt wrong. Over the next nine months, things went from bad to worse to worst. My lower back and legs were in pain all the time, really bad pain. Thank goodness for my little boy! He was the reason I was able to press through, get out of bed every day, and find a reason to "cowboy up", as my father would say.