About Kailand

Kai is so energetic. He loves running, climbing, and jumping. He's very athletic for a five year old! From the time he gets up in the morning to the time he falls asleep, this kid is entertaining. He will tackle you without even being asked. :) His reading is already, "freaky good," as our friend so aptly put it. Kai's creativity is endless; he always sees a new way of doing things. And when he hugs you, it's with all the love in his little body. We just couldn't love him more. There isn't a thing we would change about him. His positive attitude and smile brightens every day. And he has become S's protector, which we are proud to see. He is the one that will randomly pick up all the toys or make our bed for us, because he shows love through service, and it is evident with his siblings as well.

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