I LOVED being there for Foster Care Day at Cowabunga Bay. Only families who have a placement through foster care or who have adopted a child through foster care within the last year could go. We had such a wonderful time, and all the families there were so wonderful. The kids were so great, and everyone was really patient. It definitely felt different than a normal trip to a water park. (All the faces have been blurred out so everyone can stay safe since I don't know anyone's situation in these pictures.)
This is Seth under water. He loves swimming, and he's good at it. He's never had a lesson in his life beyond what I've taught him when we go to the pool.
I'm grateful we have S in our home, and I'm glad we got this day to celebrate her and foster care in general. Jason and I were just saying today that our family has learned so much and grown so much just by having her around. This isn't to say that it hasn't been challenging. More accurately, we have grown because of the challenges. Difficulty is really the only way to grow and be better. And even the kids (including S) have grown in perspective and maturity and forgiveness and a million other ways. Our Heavenly Father truly knew what we needed when he told us to try foster care.
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