Sunday, September 21, 2014

Kai and I at the Ogden Temple Open House!

Kai and I got to have a day just for the two of us! It was so nice. And the funniest thing was the difference in conversation between when I went with Seth and when I went with Kai. Kai's conversation was very sporadic. He kept asking questions I couldn't answer, such as, "Where do you stand in Salt Lake City?" "Which building is the Salt Lake City building?" etc. He even interrupted himself several times with a completely different thought. It's obvious that he is soaking in his world right now. He notices everything and has a question for everything.

Being in the temple with Kai was amazing.We were standing behind a couple who didn't know a lot about temples. I could see them listening intently as I explained things to Kai and answered his questions (when they made sense...) I talked to them a couple of times throughout the temple tour, but I wish I could have been a better resource for them. I didn't want to just say, "Hey, looks like this is a little out of your knowledge box. Can I help?" But maybe I should have. I never know whether that would be appreciated or not.
We went to lunch afterward, and I let him choose anyplace he wanted. He wanted Buffalo Wild Wings. Lol! Funny kid. I'd expected him to choose somewhere with a play place, but I wasn't going to argue with him when I love BW3's food so much! We discussed rugby and the extreme sports channel. It was fun to see what he cared about, because it definitely wasn't basketball.
The picture below is one of my favorites. We were in the picture/info tent after the temple tour, and Kai didn't care about the pictures at all. But this statue really caught his eye. He really studied it. I think he recognized it from when we've gone to temple square in Salt Lake City. He had a few questions about it, like he does about everything, and it was nice to be able to sit there and feel the spirit with Kai for a second.
As a side note, the funny part about this picture was trying to take a decent one. Kai kept grabbing the front of his pants, so I told him to put his hands straight down at his sides. He obviously did, but then he wouldn't smile. Silly kid. :)

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