Thursday, May 22, 2014

Enjoying some warm days!

The weather has been sooooo nice! We've been outside a lot because of it.

Kai is learning to pedal. Up until now, he's been on a running bike (see the video below) so he balances really well, but he doesn't pedal so well.
 Playing at the park just a few doors down from our house.

 Going for a leisurely drive.
 Playing dress-up.
 Helping Daddy move some dirt.
 FINALLY planting our garden.
 Hitching a ride.
 And with all of this play, we've done a lot of baths. I love shaping Kai's hair after I put the shampoo in it. It's just so long and fluffy! Ah! I love it! We are all going in for haircuts tomorrow and I can't decide whether to keep his long hair or trim it short for summer. Decisions decisions...
 Seth's last day of school is tomorrow, and he cried yesterday when he was informing me of this. He will miss his classmates and his amazing teacher. I had to guarantee him that he will continue to see at least some of his classmates and his teacher. I am so glad this year has meant so much to him. He loves school and learning. He loves as many people in his life as possible. Thank goodness for a wonderful teacher like this lovely lady that has been so good to him.
Also, my friend sent me this link that shows a funny, bizarre video. We used to watch it and laugh when I was in high school. When he sent it to me, it brought back so many memories. (You have to watch until after the snake. After that, it just repeats endlessly.)
So I showed it to my children. They have asked to watch it every single day since. It's a special treat if I let them watch it. It's surprising how addicting this dumb video is! This is Seth singing the song for you. (Way cute!)
This next video I share just so you can understand how independent Kai is. When I say he really likes to play on his own and he doesn't like to be told what to do, I'm not kidding! I don't mind his independence. It means he won't easily fall to peer pressure when he's older, which is fantastic. This is so different from Seth, who would do about anything to show his love for you (which is also a strength, just as much as Kai's independence is.) Anyway, here's Kai on a totally normal day:

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