Sunday, May 4, 2014

I met S's parents!

The last few days have been better between Kai and S. Kai has figured out that he gets special privileges by not being the baby, and I think that's curbed some of the sting of change for him. I think it's also sunk in that my love for him hasn't changed just because S is here. I'm glad things are getting back to normal. I even got some really cute pictures of Kai and S together.

We went to a parent meeting and I got to meet S's parents. I've been so curious to see them, to see who S looks like more, mom or dad. I've wanted to see how they interact with S also so that I may get an idea of how to make this transition easier for S. If they sing a certain song or hold her a certain way, it might help if I do the same. It went pretty well, though S was worn out by the end. S didn't seem upset at all after we left, which was better than I thought it would be. Yay!

Jason has been trying to do it all lately. He helps out SOOOOO much with the kids, which I couldn't be more grateful for. Just as an example of how wonderful he is, Jason helped me put the kids to bed and then wandered outside to build more garden boxes since we are expanding our garden a LOT right now. This was after a long, long day. I had to snap this picture.

We went to a niece's baptism yesterday, and it was fun to see family. Our little niece was so beautiful in her white dress, and her gorgeous smile never left her face. It was so perfect. S got to meet a lot of Jason's family, which was exciting. So far, S has only met my aunt and uncle. This is by design; we've needed some time to settle into a routine and establish a connection with S. Anyway, some of the family members performed a beautiful song for the baptism.
We had to leave the baptism and run straight to Seth's soccer game. It was fun to watch him, and S made a few friends there, which was also fun to see. You can see Seth kicking the ball and Jason coaching/reffing in the picture below.
That night, we played games with friends. As you can see, we are all really tired by the end of the night, but it's so fun!
And this is just the kids and I having fun. I don't post about the fun "in-betweens" usually, but this time, I did get a video, so you get to see also. :)


  1. You are such a caring Mommy, Ashley. I'm always happy to see you at school with your beautiful smile on your face. I know you must be extra tired right now and extra sore but you sure don't show it. Thanks for being such an awesome woman. You set the bar high.

    1. I am extra tired, no doubt, but it's worth it. S is way cute, and my boys need me, which I admittedly love. :) Kids are always worth the extra effort. Thanks for always thinking of others. Your thoughtfulness helps me a ton!

  2. Jason has his Patsy face on in the picture you took of us after games. Also, I'm going through S'mores withdrawls so we should do that again soon. Glad to hear that things are getting better between the kiddos. You and Jason are amazing people!

    1. You're amazing people! :D And yes, that was a blast with the s'mores and all. Yum!
