Saturday, August 23, 2014

Kai's first day of school ever!

I don't know how to feel about this! He's really a great kid and so very smart. He's ready for school.

But could my baby really be going to preschool? 

It breaks my heart a little, and it makes me excited for him all at the same time.

Here's my handsome boy! He's so anxious to get in there and go to class already. :)

I was trying to take pictures of him at home all ready for school, but he was so excited that it put him in an hilariously goofy mood. He just kept pulling this face!

And then he would think he was so funny that he couldn't stop laughing, which made the rest of us bust a gut also. This picture is of him trying to pull his funny face but laughing too hard to actually accomplish it. ;)

His name is on the door! It's really happening!

This wonderful lady was Seth's teacher for preschool also, and we had to request her again for Kai. When you discover such a gem of a teacher, you can't pass up such a find! She's amazing.

He loved it. He came home talking a mile a minute. He told me all about the toys, and he didn't stop singing "the beanbag song" (as he called it) all afternoon. He was plum tuckered out, but happy as could be. And he assured me over and over again that he listened and shared his toys. He didn't do this to please me; he did it because it pleased him so much to know that he's a good listener and a good sharer. Isn't that terrific? If only we could all be this kind. If only these values were the values of everyone. Kai's a wonderful example for me.

It's great that my littlies get such a great love of education right from the start thanks to this wonderful preschool program we found and the amazing teachers and administrators behind it.

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