Monday, October 13, 2014

Zoo with Uncle K and Aunt E!

The Hogle Zoo just redid a large portion of their displays, and it's pretty awesome. So when my brother and his wife asked us to go to the zoo with them, we were really really excited. But mostly because I got to spend time with my brother and his wife. Yay! They live in another state so it seems like ages between visits, and it's compounded by how much their sweet baby girl grows every time I see her!

When the zoo remodeled, they brought back the LION FOUNTAINS!!!! :D :D :D Pictures with the lion fountain are tradition. I think I have pictures of ME at that age doing this exact same thing.

 There are so many cute pictures that I can't post because S is in them, but she looked away for this one. Aren't my boys adorable???
 The lions came and sat down right in front of us, which was really fun.
 Uncle K and Aunt E were so very helpful during this whole trip. They toted around my kids and helped me lift them over and over so they could see all the animals. I couldn't have done it without them.
 I don't know why, but every time Kai got interested in an animal, that animal would come sit right in front of him. It was amazing.
 Yes, Uncle K had ALL the kids climbing on him. And he was so nice about it. Lol!
 They were feeding the rhinos and it was neat to see how their personalities came out as they ate... a lot like humans. Haha! The kids kept laughing every time the rhinos got picky about the food.
 Spot the rhino!
 We were just in time for the bird show, and this huge owl almost nicked our heads as it flew over. Those birds were all so majestic. Just amazing. (On a side note, Aunt E and I went to college together my first two years, and we picked out animals that we thought we would be if our personalities were animals. We decided Aunt E would be a flying squirrel and I would be a hummingbird. I would totally be a hummingbird.)
 This parrot was Seth's favorite because it was rainbow colored. :) That's my Seth.
 Seth LOVED being with his youngest cousin. He really wants a dozen siblings. We won't be giving him a solid dozen, but we're doing our best to add more kiddos to our bunch!
 Seth said this was his favorite animal in the entire zoo. I'm not sure why, but I had to get his picture anyway.
 I'm telling you, ALL the animals came to the glass when Kai was around. Crazy...
 No really all of them. See the monkey behind Seth?
Here it comes when Kai walks up!!
These pictures are also tradition. Measuring yourself against a gorilla = Priceless.

 There is a little area to dip your toes and it was certainly refreshing.
 This bear walked right toward the glass, which was pretty cool. Unfortunately, he turned right at the end and headed away from us. Ah well.
 This splash of water was also really refreshing. This was the last thing we did before we left the park. Look how cute those cousins are together!
It was such a great day. Thank you, Uncle K and Aunt E, for inviting us and helping me create wonderful memories for our kids. This was seriously a great day.

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