Sunday, June 22, 2014

Seth's first T-ball game

So on Facebook, I asked where would be best to sign Seth up for T-ball. I'd asked Seth earlier and he said he wanted to try T-ball more than anything else. The comments were less than stellar on some parts. I heard a lot about how boring T-ball is to watch, and that I should just not sign him up. Well I'm glad to report that they were wrong! We had a blast watching Seth play! And our amazing neighbors showed up to support him. Isn't that awesome?!?

Happy Father's Day!

I have a fantastic father...
...a wonderful father-in-law...
...and an @mazing husband!
Aren't I the luckiest woman? :D

Friday, June 13, 2014

A surprisingly good day

I woke up after a horrible nights sleep with plenty of body aches. Ugh. I really wanted to cancel everything and crawl back in bed. It didn't get better after I bathed the boys and realized I didn't have time to bathe S and myself before we needed to leave the house. It was at that point that I REALLY considered calling the friend I was to meet and nixing our picnic lunch at the park with our kids. I cowboyed up, took a shower with S (which was a first) so that we could fit everything in, skipped breakfast so I had time to pack a lunch, argued with Kai about which bike he should ride (an argument he won,) and then took off for the park. I was still about 15 minutes late, but when I got there, my friend was nowhere to be found. As I sat there feeling sorry for me with my aching body and lack of sleep, I waited for my friend while the kids played. And then my friend came, and I was pointedly humbled when I saw her tears.

She's been going through a very hard time lately. I'm so glad I didn't cancel on her. She kept apologizing for crying, but her tears helped me to come out of myself, to open my eyes and look beyond my own nose. Not that I want my friend to have a bad day, but I think we often hide our emotions when we could be connecting with others. We hide our hurt when we could be sharing our story. These friends are moving, and I'm dying knowing they won't be around much longer. We originally met this family because Kai and their son of the same age were both in head-shape correcting helmets at the same time, and we were both new to the ward. They have a daughter that has been a wonderful friend for Seth. I haven't told my children that their friends are moving away. I don't know what to say, but I need to tell them soon. :(

After the park and a picnic lunch, the kids threw rocks in the pond. This beautiful picture was taken about a one minute walk from our house.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

First splashpad of the season

No more siblings in high school!

Ach! I feel so old! I was 12 when my sister was born. She's my only sister amidst a handful of brothers, and she's quite a bit younger than my youngest brother. She was a complete surprise to the family, and she was an answer to my prayers. We've always been incredibly close. And she graduated from high school!
Look at all those ropes and ribbons around her neck! That is one smart blond right there! ;)

The whole family showed up. We took up two complete benches front and center in the bleachers. It was awesome to be part of a large support group for her and to add my voice to all the others that were and still are cheering her on.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Happy Birthday, Jason!

Jason had a birthday! The kids loved picking out his cake. (They picked a chocolate cake with orange frosting and Winnie the Pooh decorations.)
Those tall sparkler candles? Yeah, they were a mess. We're lucky we didn't light the house on fire.

The Colors of my Rainbow

There is a cassette tape that I used to LOVE as a kid. I've always loved rainbows (including a very special painted wooden one that used to sit in my window sill until I moved out of my childhood home when I was 18 years old.) And this tape is called The Colors of my Rainbow by Joe Wayman. It's a very strange, yet pleasant collection of songs about colors. Luckily, this tape still works, and Jason's car has a cassette player! So I stole the tape from my parents. (Like the silly moose! Okay, you'll have to read the lyrics to the first song to have any idea what I'm talking about. Coincidentally, my nickname used to be Moose! Lol! But I digress...)

I introduced this lovely little gem of music to my children one day and they love it now as much as I used to. And I still love it. It's one of the few tapes that I really really REALLY don't mind putting on for my kids in the car. I know almost all the words (barring those I can't understand and never had the lyrics to.) Jason even bought me a cassette tape converter thingy specifically to put these songs on my computer before the cassette stopped working. I know that's a simple thing that he did for me, but it was incredibly thoughtful. He's pretty awesome like that. :)

But before he bought the converter, I searched and searched and searched the internet for any trace of these songs and I couldn't find them. If you search the full title AND the name Joe Wayman, you can find a bit of information on it. I found this awesome photo: