Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Easy days

We didn't have any plans out of the house today except for Seth going to preschool, so we got to stay home and get some cleaning done mostly. While Seth was at preschool, Kailand sang to me.

Here is our precious moment of the day!

Wrestling with Daddy

We held Family Home Evening tonight, which was great.
We reviewed the Articles of Faith that Seth has memorized. Kai had the first one 
memorized and many lines from several others. These kids are incredible!

We then made double chocolate cookies!

Seth obviously loved it. Haha!

We have really been working on those Articles of Faith. We've got the first five down! We've also been reading the Book of Mormon - not the kid version, not a picture book - THE Book of Mormon. Seth has been great about it and is often the one to remind us. Kai has a great attention span for a two year old, but he gets up and wanders after a few minutes. Reviewing the Articles of Faith let me know that he is has been listening more than I thought, because he did really well! I'm glad my world spins around these boys. They're a great thing to focus on in a world full of chaos.


  1. What a fun day! You are such a good mom and your boys are so smart!

  2. Thanks, Kami! You are always so supportive. I've seen your blog about your own bundle of joy, and seeing you as a mother just fits. You're always so caring!
