Thursday, March 13, 2014


The blog posts are going to be slow for the next week or so. I'm proofreading a book right now. Every once in a while I take a book from an author and proofread it. I've cut my clientele down to three authors. One is a mystery/thriller writer, and the other two are sci-fi writers. It takes me a week or two to finish a book depending on the length and number of errors made. I haven't had a book since November simply because I've been concentrating on other things. That's the best part of my job: I get to determine when I take a book. There have been times when I've taken several in a month and other times when I've not taken a book for months at a time, like the past few months. I don't do it for the money (or I'd be taking on a lot more clients.) I do it for myself. I love the work, and it keeps my skills up and my mind sharp. Also, if anything were to happen to Jason and he couldn't provide for our family financially anymore, I would easily be able to turn this into a full-time career. Jason built a website for me:

He's good at what he does! He has built websites for many people just as a hobby. For our hobbies we proofread and build websites... Yep, we're nerds! We're handing our nerd-ism down to our kids, too! (Seth loves to read and play Uno, and he has no problem sitting down to watch a little I Love Lucy. Kai is himself wherever he goes, regardless of whether he's being "cool" or not. I love that my children aren't afraid to be themselves.) Since I've fallen behind a few days, let me tell you a little of what we've been doing lately.

We got a skiff of snow one morning and ran outside to play in it before it all melted. (Later that day, it was warm enough to leave the house without a coat on.) The snowpants and things are a prop more than a necessity. :)

I truly wish we had more snow this year. Being from Wyoming, I'm not used to the warm winters. I don't know if I ever will be. (P.S. I didn't know these photos were being taken, so excuse my scraggly look.)

I also got a new set of scriptures. Many pages are falling out of my old set of scriptures, and when I started storing a couple inside the cover because I was tired of putting them back where they go, I finally decided it was time to order new ones.

Old set:
New set:
I got them several days ago and haven't used them yet. I just love all the notes and such that I have in my old set. They were my mission scriptures, so half of my notes are in Spanish, and I know that won't happen with the new set. I feel like I'm really leaving my mission behind now. I felt the same way when I got a new set to go on my mission. The scriptures I'd had since I was baptized and all the way through seminary were hard to set aside, and I find myself feeling the same way now.

We also went to a friend's house and played with their dog. I should have gotten pictures of it, because the kids LOVE that dog. They're so cute with him.

The only other thing I can think of that we've done is stay up late. Jason got home from play practice last night, and we ended up talking way too long (like usual). We just love talking! He had been working on a dance portion of the musical he's in and needed to come up with a really dorky dance to do for about 8 measures. That's where I came in! We had fun doing dorky dances together, but it did keep us up later than is prudent. :)

1 comment:

  1. oh, you stay up and dance and you must pay the piper,hahahaha
