So yesterday was crazy. It was not my favorite day. I backed into a CAR today, and it was still better than yesterday. That says something.
One good thing did happen yesterday though. Ya ready? We have an RFC (resource family consultant) through DCFS (department of child and family services) for foster care! :D We've been absolutely, 100% approved to be foster parents. This is part of our initiative to expand our family, and we know it's the right thing to do for us. We don't really care if the child that joins our family isn't an infant. (Though for our children's sake, we won't take in kids older than Seth.) And we would be honored to help a child that needs a stable home. The thought of the suffering inflicted on children in our world today literally brings tears to my eyes. "If you have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me." It's been a crazy process (which I should probably post about sometime) but it's all been worth it. We have a meeting with our RFC in about 2 weeks just to get to know her and so she can get to know us.
So on to today! I loved this day. Because yesterday was horrendous and because Jason wasn't around much, I took it easy today. The kids and I did extra cuddle and reading time. I chose easy-peasy projects to do with them. I started watching Wreck-It Ralph while I folded laundry, and when I was done, I cuddled with the boys while we finished the movie. Instead of struggling to get Kai to take a nap today, I let him do quiet time with Seth. I even took them upstairs a little early so we could read a couple of books before bedtime. And it's a good thing I did, because Seth started complaining of a tummy ache, so it was good to have a few quiet moments as that started plaguing him.
One of our easy-peasy projects:
As we were scratching the black off, Seth kept saying things like, "It looks like a dance ball! We could hold these while we dance and people would be like, 'Whoa! Where did you get that? It looks like a dance ball!'" Kai did about half of his and then decided he was tired, so he watched me finish his. (He also wanted all the shiny parts to show.) And when I was done with his and mine, Kai decided mine wasn't shiny enough and took a penny to it. I thought it was funny that I was scratching his while he was scratching mine.
Jason wasn't around much today because he had a work conference in Salt Lake City, so he had driving time to and from work, which we aren't used to. We usually get those extra hours to spend as a family. I love that he usually works from home! And these little instances when he doesn't work from home only make me more grateful for the blessing that is his job.
Just a shot of the boys playing outside today. I love the warmer weather!
So the backing into a car thing that I mentioned earlier... *Sigh*
Seth had gymnastics today, during which, he hurt himself and Kai lost his favorite toy. So I was a little flustered. It wasn't too bad, but just not as smooth as usual. And my backup camera on the back of my van is out because one of the kids left a light on in the van, the battery died, and when we got it charged again, we couldn't find the passcode to the dashboard system, which includes the backup camera. I had just gone in and retrieved Kai's toy (a slap bracelet he got for Valentine's Day) and when I came out, the coast was clear, absolutely no cars near me. So I start to back out of our parking spot at gymnastics when a car starts coming toward us. I waited for that car, then continued backing out. What I didn't see was the car BEHIND the car I waited for, which parked by the sidewalk right behind me. I totally backed into it. Luckily, I back out very slowly, so there was hardly any damage to either vehicle, though it sounded like it was terrible, because a panel on our van came unclipped. I shoved it back in and there's hardly a trace of an accident anymore. I stopped and gave the lady my info, even though she swore there wasn't any damage to her vehicle. I just would have hated for her to get home and discover something terrible had happened to her car and not have any way to get a hold of me. Blah. I dislike things like this. The lady was really very, very sweet about it. I love kind people! She hugged me twice! Lol!
So it's been a roller coaster. I just hope Seth is feeling well. I hate to see him sick, and I would hate to miss the adoption conference tomorrow!
Oh, and our sprouting is starting to show! We are soon to be planting I believe!
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