Service on Sunday:
The PB&J service we were going to do on Sunday has been cancelled. :( They moved it to the 30th of this month. I really hope we can make it that day...
Food on Wednesday:
Wednesday was CRAZY! But we got everything done that we needed to do, including making food for the Expectant Parent Meeting we'd volunteered for. We ended up making individual strawberry shortcakes with whip cream and extra strawberries to go on top, my famous no-bake cookies, and some homemade mints. My cookies weren't as good as usual due to Kai screaming and crying at me while I made them, but most of the food was gone when we went to pick up the dishes, so it must have still been pretty good. When we dropped the food off, we were able to see our caseworker, which was great. And our boys were really excited to know they were helping ladies that were going to have babies. They are pretty excited any time babies are mentioned. It's really cute. Jason was able to take off an hour from work to help me drop of the food, which was a huge relief! I love that he works from home and is usually available for things like this. And I love his willingness to pitch in!
Adoption Conference:
Shortly after I bought my ticket, Jason figured out that he was able to take off two days from work. I then heard from my friend, which was good, but she isn't able to go to the conference, which is sad. She is able to babysit our two boys though. So Jason and I will get to go to the conference TOGETHER!!! :D I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it! I feel like we just got a mini-vacation thrown in our laps for just the two of us together learning about something very close to our hearts for two days. And bonus: we get to see our kiddos in the evenings, so my mommy heart won't break too bad having to only leave them for a few hours. A friend of mine let me switch days with her for the preschool carpool that Seth's a part of, so she will run the kids for me while I'm at the conference. Everything is just working out really nicely. I feel like it's really just meant to be, and I can see the Lord guiding this. I'm glad He prompted me to buy the ticket, regardless of the missteps before hand.
I finished the book I was working on! I was a day later than I'd wanted to be because of all the other stuff thrown into my days on Tuesday and Wednesday, but it worked out just fine. And everything that happened Tuesday and Wednesday was worth pushing the book back one day. For just a second, I worried that it would be more than one day, but Jason let me get in a few extra hours with the book by helping out in other areas. Yay! Thank you, Jason!
Now some randomness:
We have a bug guy coming to spray our house before the bugs come back in hoards for the spring. I got most of the house clean enough for him to spray, and next on the list is the toy room. I'm waiting until the kids finish quiet time so that they can help me out, since it's their toy room.
My Reynaud's syndrome has been acting up. It's not a big deal. Really, it's just my toes going numb, but it looks pretty weird. I thought about not posting this, because I don't want anyone to be freaked out or anything, but people have asked me about it, so here we go:
You can clearly see the two white toes. They're completely numb. Just one of those things I guess. I'm just glad it's not worse than it is. Reynaud's can mean purple and blue toes or fingers, and I've never had it that bad, thank goodness. I've never even had it in my fingers.
We finally finished off the milk that the "leprechauns" turned green, and the kids are happy about it.
They didn't want to drink that green milk, even though it tasted just the same as always. But it's not my fault! The leprechauns did it! ;)
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