Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sssss... Uuuuuu... Nnnnnnn...

Yesterday, I was witness to the CUTEST moment between Jason and Seth. Seth was in the kitchen and had built a wall out of only red mega blox. He was so proud of it because of how strong it was. Jason was cooking dinner and had a second, so he bent down to check out Seth's strong wall. Jason told Seth the reasons it was strong, such as the pattern he had used and the pieces he had used. Seth was so proud that he had figured it out without all the terminology and such. One thing Jason said was, "That's how you build a wall. You have to do the pattern over and over. If you do it the same way for the whole wall, it makes it strong." I loved the life lesson contained therein. Being strong takes a pattern of strength that is repeated many times. Exhibiting strength once, we can convince ourselves that it was an odd moment and that we aren't really strong. Exhibiting strength many times, we can no longer deny that we have built strength within ourselves. If every boy had a daddy that would take the time with their children like Jason did here (and does often), we would be surrounded by men of character. I've seen Seth take little lessons like this and apply it to other areas. It's a wonder to watch.

Today, Seth and I were playing Buzz Word Junior. (We just pick a card from the game and try to get the other person to guess it without saying the word. We don't keep score or have teams. It's just a good game to build Seth's vocabulary and get his mind going.) As we were playing, Kai grabbed one of the cards that we hadn't used yet. I thought it was cute that he wanted to play also. And then I hear Kai saying, "Sssss... Uuuuuu... Nnnnnnn... ... Sssssssssss... Unnn... Sun!" I had to pause to make sure I was understanding exactly what had just happened! Kai had read that word by himself! I looked at the card and, sure enough, the word was printed right at the top. I handed him another card (Up) and he read it. (He said "Yup" instead of "Up", but I counted it!) Jason works from home, so we ran upstairs to his office and let Kai show off for a minute. I then ran back downstairs and took this video of him:

Isn't that incredible?!? He's barely 3 years old! We've been working on this for a couple months. He's been so interested in letters and which word is which. And it's obviously paid off.

Jason just brought me a tostada, so I'm going to go eat it now. :)


  1. I can't even tell you how much I love this post! First comment: you actually want to INCREASE Seth's vocab? I mean, he already talks circles around most kids older than him! LOL! Seriously, though, I love the games you play with your kids and how supportive you and Jason are of your adorable sons. And as for obviously has been listening as Seth has learned to read and absorbing everything. That is a wonderful video of him! You must be so proud, both of your kids are very smart.

    1. They are really smart kids. And we are trying to increase Seth's vocabulary because he WANTS to increase his vocabulary. We really try to support them in their individual interests, and Seth's interest is in words for sure (which makes my linguistic heart sing!) That's also the reason why we have helped Kai with reading; I don't think any kid NEEDS to read at 3 years old, but if Kai wants to and is showing and interest, that's what we'll do. We've done the same with gymnastics, cars, etc. And it's been good for me! I've learned a lot about cars that I simply didn't know before just so I could teach the boys. lol! I got out the first book in the frontline phonics series (pre-book 1) for Kai and made up a little pass-off sheet, and I thought he was going to die of happiness. :)
